Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our Airstrip

 This site has installed airstrip lighting that gets tripped when planes are expected to arrive. These particular lights in the photo are a constant glow, where as there is one that looks as though it is a lighthouse as it spins a 360.

 Warnings not heeded. The airstrip is a great place to take a walk, up and down, and back home. You really feel like you've gotten some exercise!  It also has great sand to play with, and the kids race their bikes on it. Quite the hotbed of activity!

 Our Cross Country Track team off to Bethel for a regional meet.

Ooops, the last person got in and tipped the balance. Pilot had to unload to reload.

 Another ooops. This time a private aircraft popped a tire on landing, his first ever after owning his plane for 30 years....

The community saw the need and tried to pull him off to the side with one four-wheeler, then two.

 Quite dug in.
 Even though the pilot had tried to get off to the side, other planes could not land legally. There was a Caravan in the air that circled for twenty minutes waiting to land, and it eventually flew onto another village.

 Best anyone could do was to get it a bit off to the side. Pilot had to leave plane for several days to get new parts. It became more than a popped tire. He had to deal with the braking system and more.  

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