Sunday, January 1, 2012

Heads up - Throwing parties!

Throwing parties are similar to that of the northwest coast potlatch parties, a redistributing of goods. A celebration takes place for a variety of reasons. These can be the first year of a life, a first catch for a boy (moose/seal/caribou), or a girl's  first egg from a nest she found on the tundra.  A feast is held in the home where all are invited, then the women take their places outside. Everyone gets ready and the goods begin to fly.

 I only got hit on the head twice. Bars of soap, measuring cups, dish towels, scarves, and hand lotion were some of the small items.

 Laundry baskets, sleeping bags, and blankets were some of the medium weight items. Fighting over whatever comes your way is part of the fun. The sleeping bags and blankets were opened up so they would cover several women on their way down. Those old ladies are pretty tough. My size didn't matter.....

The heaviest items such as liquid laundry detergent and boxes of powdered milk were eventually handed down to certain elderly women who were seated off to the side on the boardwalk.
I walked away with a yellow plastic bowl, perfect for popcorn, and a white washcloth.

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