Friday, January 27, 2012

Bethel to Napakiak to Atmau by boat

 Got offered a ride home from the Craces. I jumped at the chance as they have a covered boat!  Potts picked me up and we went to the river near Swanson's Grocery. Tim was ready, but Ashley was still shopping.  We saw several families come and go from the surrounding villages. This fellow in the front of the photo is from Atmau also.

                  Ms. Ashley with her North Carolina smile!

 We headed west on the Kuskokwim River and stopped in Napakiak. The Craces were here for eleven years.

 A variety of people came to say hello so I just wandered off down the beach. A real beach.

 A strong current is on either side of Napakiak as it is near the mouth of the Johnson River. The erosion is significant to where they have lost the back part of the village.

Tim picked up a dish to use back in Atmau. Now there will be two at the teacher housing which means MUCH better reception for those that want TV.

We headed out, had to watch out for wide sandbars in the middle of the Johnson and finally got to the Atmau River. Now, that took awhile as it goes back and forth and back and forth and.....all in all about 90 minutes total time.

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