Friday, January 27, 2012

A good day to go to the dump....

 Where else to go? Upriver, downriver? So, the vote was off to the dump. It was calm and beautiful out, but getting chilly.

         I liked the mops as a marker....

 The road is a snap together hard plastic. There are wheelbarrows to use near the river as people unload their boats. The idea with the enclosure is that people are suppose to take their trash all the way in to dump in the back. Unfortunately, most was left at the opening.

 Never know what treasures one can find. Dorothy found a scale, I found a guitar and tub, and Eli....a skeleton, dog we think, and boots.

                           Oh, yes. And a pot, with a hole.

 Went off to explore and heard Eli shout. Yahoo for boots, which got left behind.

 Something got a ptarmigan.

 Not sure what bone....

 Time to head home.

 Teaching Dorothy to drive.

                  Watch out beavers!

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