Thursday, January 5, 2012

For you beaver fans...don't watch

 Beaver are plentiful out here in the delta. They can be a major source of income for trappers, or are kept to be used to make warm hats (molokais), or trim on fancy coats.  The beavers are either shot or caught in a trap. Tim was given this beaver from someone in the community, and he decided to let Eli skin it, as it was a first for him.

 The hide will be fleshed out, meaning to scrape the fat off. It will then be stretched out to dry, usually nailed to the outside of a building.  People will sell their hides either untanned, or home tanned, or just hang onto them. This carcass was put (along with two others) in our freezer for Tim to use as bait on his trapline. He goes upriver to trap....everything.

Locally, there were several beaver carcasses hanging to dry along with fish on peoples' drying racks. I hear soup is a good way to use the meat.

 Beaver tail is eaten, all fat! It can be boiled, and then cut into strips for serving. I didn't like it too well, but a lot of people do.

Lots of beaver activity up and down the rivers. This lodge was found when I was walking along the back side of the airstrip not far from the other lodge.

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