Monday, January 30, 2012

Off to Bethel by plane

 We needed to get to Bethel to sign some refinance papers, but weren't sure how to make that happen. It was too cold to snowmobile in on our own. I was too uncomfortable to fly with Bruce and leave the kids behind. So we ended up chartering a 207 to get us all in. This is Mary, the village airline agent with her sled. She is hired to meet all the planes that carry mail and deliver the bags and boxes to the post office. She also is hired to give rides to whomever has bought a ticket on the air service that she represents. She can be out meeting planes 3-5  times a day if need be.

Bruce and MaryAlice, two of the veteran teachers at the site, high school teachers, are waiting on the snowmobile. She is getting a ride into Bethel with us as she is heading out for the holiday vacation.

 Ernie heads southeast and takes us in. Lily is copilot on this one.

This is a traditional Yu'pik mask that was hung in the bank. I use to find them at Qwantana's, a gallery in Portland. Sometimes they would have the very old ones. Nick Charles made this one. The color comes from the clay on the coast, the design one from Nunivak Island.  The concentric rings represent the universe. Often an Inua spirit is seen in the middle of the mask, a little face tucked away.

  When we get back Lily finally gets to head off for a ride with her dad.

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