Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Environmental Health

 Besides the SpEd position, I was assigned to teach a health class to the 7th and 8th graders, ten students. When I asked where to have them, I was told it would have to take place in my office. At first I thought, oh no, it's such a tiny space. It turned out to be great as we all sit on the floor, and I found a goofy rug that makes it a bit warmer.

I had no materials, but a health text newly adopted by the district, was ordered. So, we divided health into four areas: environmental, consumer, physical, and emotional. Since it was my call, we went after environmental for the first quarter. As it was, it turned out to be a good call. We had our first fuel spill to analyze.
 This is the school tank filled with stove heating fuel. All teacher housing and school affiliated buildings use it. An accident occurred while filling it and several gallons overflowed onto the surrounding tundra. BIG deal out here as haz-mat suits were brought out, and folks from Bethel flew in to supervise the clean up. With a spill of over 55 gallons the Department of Environmental Conservation Area Response Team is to be called immediately.

The students could watch and note the progress daily as it was just down the boardwalk from my office. Our quick check of progress was the smell, as it was strong!  Next was the visual of the sheen on the surrounding ponds. We also noted the amount of soaking up 'snakes' as we called them.
They're really called absorbent booms.

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