Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Camaii Weekend, and no planes are flying....

 Looks beautiful now, but a couple hours earlier there was an ice fog. This last weekend was the Camaii Festival in Bethel. It is an annual event that celebrates the traditional dancing and drumming of the area. Dance groups throughout the state are invited, as well as around the world. This year a group from Texas, the Danza Matachin Pava Real, came and their dance style was influenced by the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico. I was able to spend a week in the region where these people live, so I was especially excited to see them.

 As it turned out, Eli and Dorthy had set up a charter (3 seater) to fly out. No planes were moving, in fact Yute closed early. By the time the fog had lifted ERA had no charters left. We went back and forth whether to snowmobile in or wait until the morning. The school district was paying for all first year teachers to come in and enjoy the celebration. So, the cost wasn't a concern....this time.
 We finally decided to go for it and geared up. We left about 8 and got into town about 9. The trail was great, a little bumpy, but had a lot of new snow. It was warm for us, about 15. I learned that my hand warmers had different levels, so when my thumb and palm felt like they were getting burned, Eli showed me how to turn them down....duh.  Getting into Bethel is always a little tricky. The roads this time have quite a bit of snow so the snowmobiling is easy. Also, there are back trails to connect the town so some roads can be avoided.

 Dorothy and Eli on the way home Sunday afternoon.
 We kept trading off machines. Mine is on the right. I drove it most of the way then traded so Dorothy could drive by herself. Eli let me drive his with him on back. Very different feel. Then he drove with me as a passenger. Very Bumpy!!!

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