Friday, March 1, 2013

K300 for 2013

 We had hoped to be a big supporter of the Kuskokwim 300 dogsled race, but storms kept us away. Last year we were able to make it to the start line, see the 16 teams off, and have a front row seat (wide open on the river) to the fireworks.

Well, not this year. The weather was so stormy we didn't even think the fireworks would happen. Some of the competitors didn't make it to Bethel either, as parts of Alaska were having their own ice storms and teams could not get to airports.

 On Saturday, still storming, we had to call and cancel our opportunity to volunteer at the headquarters. We had been scheduled for the Sunday morning shift.

We listened, like a lot of Alaskans, to the radio broadcasts of KYUK to tell us who was in lead and by how much. Also, the K300 site had all mushers' GPS locations so we could follow along ourselves and see when someone got off trail and then got back on.
 Sunday morning broke to calm and almost clear weather. Over cups of coffee and hot chocolate, the family decided to "run" into Bethel and maybe catch the first place finisher. So, quick call to Eli and Dorothy and they got on board. By the time we headed out onto the trail the winner was a couple miles out from the finish. While on our trail Jeff King had his 9th K300 finish! Great video interview on KYUK.

 As we came into Bethel we needed to decide the best route to the river. As the following photos show...over the river and through the 'woods' (actually the backyards of Bethel) to K300 finish we go....

Back on the road!
 Made it.

We now needed to wait for the next finisher to come in, and wait, and wait.

 After some talk, we decided to check out the headquarters as the next musher was going to be awhile. I got to try out my Bunny Boots on this trip, huge white clown shoes, but worth every goofy look.

 Inside the headquarters, the volunteers were busy with the phones hearing from the various checkpoints.
 A big thanks to Eli and Dorothy for buying a Tshirt......

Do you like the logo this year??
Hope so, because I designed it!

In the spring the volunteers get together for a thank you celebration and vote for the next K300 design. Mine was chosen last spring! I got a free Tshirt and $100. I donated it back to the race and our family now sponsors one of the miles of the race.

We made it back to the river just in time to see Cim Smith loading up his dogs. Rats! Missed another musher coming across the line.

But we did get to see Iditarod champ John Baker come in!

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