Thursday, March 28, 2013

 Something is going on with my photos so wasn't able to rotate some of these... With the time spent up here the gals learned a few "old fashion skills". Both took on embroidering pillowcases, and learning how to cut and piece a quilt, sewing it together with my old high school Singer.

Bruce took on the task of removing the moose rack from above the stove to get it ready to send south. He had to cut it apart, then carefully rap each prong.

 We had several snowstorms, one right after the other. Unfortunately for Dorothy and us, our entryway was a place where the drifts grew higher and higher....One night in particular we new there was to be a large dumping of snow......

 This is the drift in front of the door looking out the kitchen window before we went to bed.

 So, the next morning we knew we had a lot of snow because the porch had drifted in....

 Note the door knob indent.

                                                Gwen, "Oh, my!"

  On my way out. Easy enough to crawl out with the chair and piece of plywood, but we had to slide/ tumble down the other side of the drift. Last year we had some snow, but nothing like this.

Lily on her way to school.....

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