Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alaska summer highlights #4

 Thanks once again to Groupon Coupon. We were able to get out for a day of sea kayaking. We met up with our guide at Miller's Landing out of Seward.

Someone got lucky on their fishing trip, and we got lucky with the weather!

                           Pretty country! Big mountains, glaciers and ocean. Nothing better!
                        The morning we were to paddle a fog bank just hung on and on and on.

 We loaded up gear and got shoved off. In all our paddling, we'd never gotten a push like that!

 Very smooth paddling for quite sometime.

 We thought this fellow was a stick in the water until we got closer. He just kept on his back and floated right on by!

 Our goal was to head to the point and skirt around it. The wind started to pick up and soon there was a nasty head wind. No fun. 

Made it this far! We'd tucked behind the point and settled in for lunch and a hike. Going home was a lot tougher. By the time we started back, the wind had set up some pretty big rollers. We had water cascading down our back sides so all were constantly working at not troughing the waves. The girls were lean mean paddling machines!

1 comment:

  1. The kayak run was a great trip with energy and safety a big concern. I did see a clip this week where they had taught the otters to "stack cups" in the water. It was pretty amusing. IT will probaby be the next reality show. HA!
