Saturday, August 18, 2012

Alaska Summer Highlights #1

 With over 1400 photos, I picked just some here and there to show what Alaska is best known for.

Number one on the list.....knowing or meeting great people along the way (thanks Molly!).

But some would think it's the mountains, though really, it's the mosquitoes.....ugh. Thank goodness for the netting.

Wrangell St. Elias range is out Molly's back door. What a view to drink in with your morning coffee.


 Glaciers, glaciers and more glaciers can be seen from the road. They are easily accessible so you can walk right up to them.

 Golden Eagle in Valdez.

 Trickster Raven everywhere.

 The Pinks, or Humpies were on their return run trying to get back to the hatchery they left. Since the hatchery picks and chooses the rest are left to fate.

Seals and sea lions were on the edge of the school taking what they wanted. There would be a surge of water and fish when they were on the chase.

 Humans were allowed six fish, but had to be a certain distance from the hatchery gates. Eagles, both Bald and Golden, and a mother black bear with two cubs were gorging on the school.

 Moose along the roadway reminded us to slow down.

Another glacier from the road.

1 comment:

  1. On our last trip on the Glenn Highway the entire range from Tok into Palmer was completey visible and clear. The shots of Nilchina glacier were very impressive. (Yours too!) That is an impressve glacier. Thanks for the pictures.

    Made Bread and butter pickles today (40 jars). The smell is still in the air and is helping to get rid of the skunk smell from one that walked through the yard last night with the windows open!!!~Blueberry jam tomorrow.
