Saturday, November 10, 2012

Out for a walk with some little friends

Got up early one morning and walked out to the sewage lagoon. Not such a great place to walk to, but it is the farthest the boardwalk will go. Found a few little friends to keep my company.

The pipe carries the waste water from the laundromat in town. They have washers and dryers, one toilet, and showers.

We pulled a few toys out of the water that had been submerged for quite some time.

Then these two showed me a plant that had gone to seed. They were trying to open the pods to show me that I could chew on the seeds.

Unfortunately, the pods had opened awhile back, and seeds had blown away. The plant stalk was pretty beat up, so I couldn't tell what kind of plant it was.

A spring activity into summer is looking for eggs. When a little girl finds her first set of eggs, a celebration is had. In the old days it was a big party just like when a boy would get his first seal.


  1. So fun to catch-up on your blog stories! Fabulous photo treats, that's for sure. We're home from a 27 day road trip to NYC & back, through 24 different states. Hope to post some pics on my blog - once I finish editing all 3000+, 1/3 of which were drive-by landscape photos & another third sign photos...Miss you!! xoxo

  2. Hey! So fun to hear from you. Thank you for being in touch! I can't wait to hear/see what you two were up to. NYC is a very long road trip and can't imagine 24 states in 27 days! We're frozen up and snowing now....winter is full on!
