Friday, November 9, 2012

First snow, time to move the snowmobiles.

 Like kids everywhere, we teachers completely lose our students at the first sign of snow. We all run to the windows, exclaim, some run outside and try to catch the snowflakes on their tongues. What some forget in all the excitement, is that winter is V..E..R..Y long out in these parts. I am sad to say goodbye to Fall already.

 We were asked to move our snowmobiles and sled out of the shed to make room for the items not needed in the new preschool. The school received a grant to start a preschool this year, which we are all very excited about. It will begin in November for the three and four year-olds.

What that meant for us at the moment, was moving our machines with no snow in sight, as what fell the day before had  melted. Here Eli has maneuvered his snowmobile out and down the boardwalk. We pushed the sled out easily on the boardwalk as the runners were slippery. We had to lift the back part due to the skegs.

Starting up the snowmobiles inside is stinky business. Yuck. We were fortunate to have a place to overwinter.

This was too close for comfort and so had Eli, much braver than myself, rev up the machine and get it moving out of the shed. I was afraid I would overshoot and end up in the grass.

Now, to keep it on the boardwalk and get it to another place on the other side of the school....Much easier to sit up on the knee and steer, than sit low.

Following Eli to the other site in front of his house....

We had to get enough momentum to get up the slight incline and turn to come up and over the hill. My belt has no studs so did little damage to the boardwalk wood on the incline. Now Eli's on the other hand.....

Up and over-looks easy enough, wasn't. It's a pasted on smile....

Home for now.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know you had a sno go. No dogs to pull you n the skis?
