Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Another fun Friday assembly

 We have 112 students registered this year. Being a small site, it gives us certain opportunities. One of those is the chance to play games where most of the student body gets a chance to participate if they want to.

 Last year, many of our Friday assemblies had the theme of Minute - To - Win - It. The favorite was using straws to move M and M's. We played that one over and over and over....

 This year the games have focused on silliness. In this game, the partners had throw a ball into their partner's hat.

 Sometimes these assemblies have guest speakers like the Village Police Officers (VPO's) to come and talk of safety concerns. Other times a class may have a skit, special game, or song to share.

These assemblies take place at 1:00 after the last lunch session. They always include the weekly drawing of the award/reward of a "Pop Slip" given out to one student per grade level. These slips are written up continuously to encourage positive behavior that students have exhibited. They are worth $3 and can be used for a soda pop and treat at the two stores in town.

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