Thursday, November 29, 2012

Halloween Carnival

The Student Council sponsored their annual Halloween Carnival again this year. It was a very busy weekend, as they also included the Haunted House the next night.

Tickets cost $1, pop was $1, Capri Sun was $1, and Gatoraid was $3.
The 'ole Octopus Toss

Flying Doughnuts
Miniature Golf

Drop the Coin

Miniature Basketball

Free Throws

"Bobbing" for Apples

Face Painting

Waiting for business!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Freeze up!

 Our temperatures started to really drop end of September. We have had an extremely windy fall. By  mid October the ice was showing along the edges of our river. These two men were heading off to Bethel to put the boat up for the winter. They were to pick up another boat in Nunapitchuk, but were unable to get there as there was already too much ice.

View in front of the school.

 This is Atmau Nepenthe waiting for its winter home. The photo shows most boats have been pulled up from the river. It becomes a group effort one day, all those boats still in the water are hauled out by a group of men.

 The ice begins to pile up as it moves with the current. The sounds can be like tinkling glass as it bumps up against each ice sheet. Good reminder. We have no control, ready or not, winter is on its way.

 This was a first official snow cloud that I could catch. It was rather ominous to watch it approach, dark and fast, as it took over the sun.

It took three days in order for the upriver ice to float down and pile up enough to cross the river. About a week later we had ice thick enough for people to walk on it and set nets. There were still pockets of open water.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Another fun Friday assembly

 We have 112 students registered this year. Being a small site, it gives us certain opportunities. One of those is the chance to play games where most of the student body gets a chance to participate if they want to.

 Last year, many of our Friday assemblies had the theme of Minute - To - Win - It. The favorite was using straws to move M and M's. We played that one over and over and over....

 This year the games have focused on silliness. In this game, the partners had throw a ball into their partner's hat.

 Sometimes these assemblies have guest speakers like the Village Police Officers (VPO's) to come and talk of safety concerns. Other times a class may have a skit, special game, or song to share.

These assemblies take place at 1:00 after the last lunch session. They always include the weekly drawing of the award/reward of a "Pop Slip" given out to one student per grade level. These slips are written up continuously to encourage positive behavior that students have exhibited. They are worth $3 and can be used for a soda pop and treat at the two stores in town.

The barge showed up!

The fuel barge showed up in the late evening and stayed through the day. It was pumping heating fuel and gas into the large tanks at the fuel tank farm. With it so long, I would have been curious to see it navigate the small meanderings of this little river, the Piktikmaluk. There's a whole lot of back and forth between here and the Johnson River.

These barges are the energy life lines of the villages. They travel up and down throughout the summer delivering goods. The year before, the village of Nome received all kinds of attention as their fuel barge did not make it that far north due to a large storm. Then the area froze up.  A Russian tanker was hired to get fuel to them.

The tugboat maneuvered the barge and is now heading downstream back to Bethel. I am told when it arrived it was very low in the water. I never did hear how many gallons it offloaded. Right now gas goes for about $7.30 per gallon and heating fuel is about $8.00 per gallon.