Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Off to the other cemetery

It's about four in the afternoon. The cemetery is off to the left on the higher ground. People access it by boat during summer and fall.

  Fox tracks cross this one. Note the tea kettle on the bottom of the photo. Old days, possessions were placed on the grave.


  1. Wow! Does that bring back somemeories of the cemeteries, both in WWT and TOK. Also the funerals in the former. ESpecially the one of John Usugan when he died on a hunting trip with John Andy and me. That was a tough day bringing him home (by boat) from 15 miles out on the tundra. A story for memories anyway.

    1. I am just reading this (11/29/12)! That had to be a story one I don't remember. Will have to have you share. Can't imagine the heartache.
