Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Family Trip to Bethel by Sled

So the sled was ready and the K300 weekend coming up. We needed padding for a sled seat, and since we had a bunch of bubble wrap.....  So, big double seat out of that. Bruce found other uses for the rope.

Temp was below 30 with wind blowing, and we weren't too sure about the trip. Wind was to come up later, so we made a decision to go, knowing we could turn back. The trip was to be about an hour.
Can you see the children?

They couldn't breath....

On the trail, surprisingly warm.

Constantly checking in as I can't turn around while on snowmobile.

Checking engine light, put in more oil, and off we go.

Trail markers

Constantly checking on kids. We'd wave to each other using the shadows as that's all I could see.

Another form of trail marker.

Having to readjust. Everything shifts, including the girls. They needed more padding.

Bethel is just over the hill. Trip was uneventful, the best kind! From here we were able to get to the Vanasse's home by just cutting across the tundra as they are on the outskirts of town. We were fortunate, otherwise we would have had to figure out how to move through town, cutting across icy roads and dodging cars-yuck. The colors continued to get more intense.

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