Monday, May 20, 2013

Special night, the Prom

 We started decorating for the prom after school on Friday. Our seniors chose the theme and colors. We had about ten of us blowing, gluing, taping, and cutting for about five hours. But when we were done it looked fabulous!

 We had to figure out how to hang the colorful balloons and the 2013 balloon. We discussed it and came up with a braid of different material. It got to be quite comical as these three did the over under dance, just like the Maypole. I anchored it and had fun taking photos.

 Here we hung it from basket to basket.

 We finished Friday night, and were ready for the Prom to start Saturday night. We showed up to help slice and dice the snacks. There were two watermelons, crackers, a variety of cheeses, grapes, apples, turkey and ham. Yum!

 Dancing in a circle is common at all of our dances. The music was loud and had a strong beat. The community was invited and it was great to see all ages out dancing together. Some of these kids danced straight on through, hardly taking break!

Marlin, my favorite dance partner, was my student many many years ago!

25 years ago, I took a black and white photo of a little girl riding on her Big Wheel. Ollie Ann was about 4 at that time. This last year, she became my aide. We have a lot of fun together. She is a wealth of knowledge on traditional practices and is very well respected by the students.

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