Sunday, February 3, 2013

It's now time to get on with our Christmas celebration!

  I'm on my own this time, out looking for a Christmas tree/willow that will will be strong enough to hold up the lights this year. But, since we had an Arctic Hare out back last year nibbling on the willows, I had to make sure it was one that was out in the open.


  Gwen getting Moosey!

Lily making chocolate mint candies. Eventually, we went into full on cookie production.

 We made cinnamon mixed with glue ornaments with the older students. I just happened to have some little red puff balls for a little Rudolf fun.

  This is when we went into cookie overdrive!

 We started a cookie marathon to take to many different people that helped us this year. We had a great time with the variety!


  1. Ok, now I'm hungry for cookies!! Fun to see your latest posts and pics! Say hi to the family!! xo

    1. Hey there! I will say hi, and I have been enjoying seeing the photos and reading of your trip east. I have been playing catch-up with all of this! xxoo
