Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last throwing party, for now!

 Got a phone call from Kim saying there was a throwing party soon to happen. I was so happy as it was a beautiful evening out, and I really wanted to be out in it, but just a walk wasn't going to be enough. I sent out a few more inviting phone calls to others, and set out with Dorothy.

 Small items first. Looks like a brush is flying.

 Dorothy snags a hanger!

 A "fight" breaks out over a roll of toilet paper.
Everyone was laughing over this one.

 Mom and daughter crack up after missing out.

 Oops, another one slipped through their fingers!

Throwing parties are for the women, but the daughters and nieces can be spread out and grab for the family too. This daughter has a plate and dishrag.

Uh, oh, the frying pan....

 A blanket is fun when it goes flying. All eyes are watching, and when it begins to land, arms reach out. Often several hands are starting to reach towards it as it comes closer, preparing for the  tug of war.

 Here, these two old friends were asked to separate the buckets so they could be thrown. A tugging match began which totally cracked us all up.

They eventually had to ask someone else to get them apart.

Cindy and Kim and a little one

 This is a great shot as to the traffic jam after the party. It was a fun time, lots of laughing, good belly laughs. What a wonderful way to end the year!

Green up! Clean up!

 Best idea ever!

As the snow recedes the trash is unveiled...I paired up the kindergartners with my health class (7th and 8th graders) and off we went. The little people held the bags, and the partner used their one gloved hand to pick up the trash.

 Successful work crew!

 Then we all got together after washing hands for milk and cookies!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our field day, inside!

 Three legged races-toooo cute.

Who can make the most free throws??

 Put a penny between your knees and see how far you can get, and then move over the bucket to drop it in. We were chasing pennies all over the place.

 Hula Hooping around the gym.

 Funniest costume???

 Blowing balloons across the gym is quite tiring!

 The older kids ran with their balloons and came back to sit and pop them.

 Bouncy balls!

 Suck up an M and M in a straw and run to the next table to drop it into the bowl. LOTS of M and M's to chase!

 Then, the finale, the egg toss....

Oops, didn't get very far.


That was fun! Now who cleans up...?