Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just out walking around

 Went for a walk the other evening and thought to check out the Atmau-Nepenthe. Still plenty of snow in it, but I'm sure it will be in fine shape for the new owner come fall!

 Quite a bit of overflow, still solid ice underneath. Down the middle of the river is a stretch of ice, that local people predict will start to move next week. Today the tripod moved on the Kuskokwim River and that means someone won the Ice Classic. Not sure what the amount was, but someone guessed the correct day, and close enough time to be the winner.

 From these photos you can't really see the overflow on the other side of the river.

 Heard the whimpering before we saw them. Here is a new crop of pups, future K300 runners. They are already on a lead line.

Intense blue, little guy saying don't come close.

We took off out back across the tundra. There is quite a bit exposed, but we had snow since this walk; twice.

 Tundra Swans are on the move.

 We think this is some kind of Plover.

 Someone found some ptarmigan and a good windy spot to dry them.

Water play again. These boys had a snowmobile toy that they were skimming across the water.

 A few days before there were several men doing the same thing with their own snowmobiles.  By the time I saw the men, they were on the middle ice of the river.
  One was a lone rider, another was towing a sled that had two skiffs, and a third was towing a sled with another snowmobile on it. I was able to only stay for one of the riders to rev up their engine and race across the water and up our side of the bank.

Pretty exciting!

 Old snowmobile and shadow.

 Male and female Pintail.
 Not sure what this one is yet....

Male and female Mallard.

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